601 Colorado Ave
Santa Monica, CA 90407
(310) 458-2829

這天和N 約吃午餐
選在離她office只有一個block的義大利小店Fritto Misto
(Fritto Misto 其實是一道義大利菜名:small pieces of meat, fish, or vegetables dipped in batter and deep-fried.)

N點的是當天的Lunch Special- Chicken & Spinach Lasagna with Pink Sauce with Garden Salad: 其實我們本來對千層麵都沒那麼愛, 但這lunch special 只要$8.5, 覺得不點實在是對不起自己! 沒想到她的lasagna 出乎意料的好吃, 完全跟印象中吃兩口就膩了的lasagna不同. 應該是因為她微辣的pink sauce 加上夾層只有雞肉跟菠菜而沒有容易膩的肉醬.  N本來計畫不要吃太多要打包一半回家的, 沒想到太好吃了無法停止結果她只打包了沙拉回家...哈!
Fritto Misto - Monday Lunch Special

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California Chicken Cafe
2005 Westwood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90025
(310) 446-1933

朋友第一個講的就是California Chicken Cafe
但人就是犯賤, 想說就在附近而且也不是甚麼大餐型的食物

Combo Wrap (chicken, guacamole, jack cheese, sprouts, Italian dressing, lettuce, tomato, and mayo)
CCC- Combo Wrap


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上周末再去了一次Big Bear 算是這個雪季的最後一滑

一個多禮拜前Natasha Richardson 滑雪意外傳出
不過聽到Natasha 也只是在初學者坡還有私人教練指導但還是出事了
我就緊張了, 立刻衝去買安全帽, 等到收到安全帽才敢再出門滑雪

Yay! 我愛我的新helmet 跟goggle! (雖然白色helmet是有點像工人...)

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Bay Cities Italian Deli & Bakery

1517 Lincoln Blvd
Santa Monica, CA 90401
(310) 395-8279

這天到Santa Monica 的Bay Cities 外帶三明治當午餐
Abo wants a bite, too

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  • Mar 27 Fri 2009 17:16
  • 雜事

大事: 今天要開始倒數在LA的最後一週了, 愛吃的店跟想吃還沒機會吃的店都要一一報到, 好像在排回台灣吃夜市行程的感覺喔! (我怎麼滿腦子都是吃啊!?)  (恩這樣的話blog是不是就要改名了...>_<  Michelle's 鄉間野趣? 田野紀實? 啊~~我不要我不要!)

-  蘋果店服務好: 滑雪時因潮濕而壞掉的iPhone, 雖然是破解版我也沒有使用iPhone plan, 而且已經快兩年了又沒任何保固, 但拿去蘋果店修他們就換了一支refurbished 的給我, 哇哈哈真開心 (我原來的已經從口袋摔到馬路上100次以上早就撞得亂七八糟, 是到那種就算掉了也沒有人會要撿來拿去賣的糟)

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這個月Pepsi 在10個城市(註)選擇性推出Pepsi Natural
(如瓶上所說的是由全天然的sparkling water, sugar, kola nut extract所製成)
Pepsi Natural 顏色比一般可樂較淡
價錢也跟所有強調天然或有機的產品一樣走premium 路線
至於味道跟香味呢? 我自己還沒試過

註:首批銷售的城市包含: Chicago, Cleveland, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Las Vegas, and New York

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Tender Greens
9523 Culver Blvd
Culver City, CA 90232
(310) 842-8300

Tender Greens一直是Culver City downtown 午餐時間最忙碌的店
Sony Studios的員工跟附近其他上班族中午一到就蜂擁而入

(我記得他以前只賣到下午, 不過現在看他網站營業時間已經延長到晚上9點了)
一直在local(Culver City)很受歡迎的Tender Greens最近在West Hollywood開了家店
因此得到更多hipsters & bloggers的喜愛跟媒體的關注

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Cream Pan Japonaise Bakery
602 El Camino Real
Tustin, CA 92780
(714) 665-8239


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1. Read a book every week.  This might sound easy like a joke for some people who read more than one book a day, but I rarely read "book".   I do read stuff online and also magazines.  But for books, I can't recall when was the last time I finished reading one.  haha...

2. Learn Web Design.

3. Learn Photoshop.

#2 & 3 are the things I've always wanted to do but never got motivated enough to really get started.  In this three months, I will make sure I'm following my schedule and get myself comfortable about doing these two things. 

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10914 W Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90064
(310) 470-0014

Torafuku有很好的lunch menu, 好吃豬排, 跟有名的好吃白飯(Kamado Rice)
由於午餐太划算, 晚餐相對來說顯得昂貴
(當年的我還是草食性動物, menu上沒有一個東西吸引我)
(不吃炸物的我做決定其實不難, 我是在考慮ginger pork 跟烤魚)

Mini Draft Beer: $1, 比iPhone還小的啤酒, 讓上班族午餐偷喝酒下午照常上班, 讚啦!

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Old Vine Cafe
2937 Bristol St
Ste A102
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
(714) 545-1411
Old Vine Cafe-01.jpg
Old Vine Cafe 是我們在OC 繼 Plums Cafe 後發掘並一去再去的brunch spot, 位於Bristol 上一個很Outdoor 風的 shopping center "The Camp"中, 周圍有大樹及野外風的木桌木椅, 樹上有吊床, Old Vine Cafe像是森林裡的小屋般.

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Though Dunkin' Donuts is not on the west coast, I've still been interested in observing its ad campaigns since we did the project on Dunkin' for the ad and promotion class.

In this difficult time, practicality is king.  Selling coffee?  Caffeine, that actually keeps you running, can help you make better sales than taste.  Now they don't talk about how good the coffee smell or taste anymore.  The only thing they want to say is: the coffee will help you through all these challenges!

In this campaign, Dunkin' uses the substitution of part of its name, (Dun)kin', for "can".  Obama called for changes and told us " Yes We Can!"  Dunkin' wants to tell us the same: Yes You Kin'! 

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The Stinking Rose
55 N La Cienega Boulevard
Beverly Hills, CA 90211

(310) 652-7673

I've been wanting to try the Stinking Rose for years.  For some reason it never got picked as the venue for any of my social gatherings. (I guess you can probably figure out the reason.  It's not the nicest thing to have garlic breath when you're with a group of people and you still have to talk to them.)  But still, everytime I drove by after eating at somewhere else in the area, I always told myself I had to try this place someday because I LOVE Garlic!

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我本來只是想錄影展現一下我學會順利heelside 轉toeside
沒想到錄出來這麼有America's Funniest Home Video 的fu

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8738 W. 3rd Street
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(310) 858-4900

選在位於西三街的Creperie by Jack N' Jill's (inspired by 雪的可麗餅二三事) 

雖然他們以savory crepe 聞名
但是抱著來吃早餐心態, 滿腦子蛋跟起士的我還是點了breakfast crepe

Market Street (breakfast crepe): a whole wheat crepe with andouille sausage, sautéed onions, peppers, tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and scrambled eggs. a bit spicy, but good!  光看ingredients 就知道很早餐, 吃起來恰如其分, 就是份早餐, 有點breakfast burrito 包在甜的 tortilla裡的感覺

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