1. Read a book every week. This might sound easy like a joke for some people who read more than one book a day, but I rarely read "book". I do read stuff online and also magazines. But for books, I can't recall when was the last time I finished reading one. haha...
2. Learn Web Design.
3. Learn Photoshop.
#2 & 3 are the things I've always wanted to do but never got motivated enough to really get started. In this three months, I will make sure I'm following my schedule and get myself comfortable about doing these two things.
Old Vine Cafe
2937 Bristol St
Ste A102
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
(714) 545-1411
Old Vine Cafe 是我們在OC 繼 Plums Cafe 後發掘並一去再去的brunch spot, 位於Bristol 上一個很Outdoor 風的 shopping center "The Camp"中, 周圍有大樹及野外風的木桌木椅, 樹上有吊床, Old Vine Cafe像是森林裡的小屋般.
Though Dunkin' Donuts is not on the west coast, I've still been interested in observing its ad campaigns since we did the project on Dunkin' for the ad and promotion class.
In this difficult time, practicality is king. Selling coffee? Caffeine, that actually keeps you running, can help you make better sales than taste. Now they don't talk about how good the coffee smell or taste anymore. The only thing they want to say is: the coffee will help you through all these challenges!
In this campaign, Dunkin' uses the substitution of part of its name, (Dun)kin', for "can". Obama called for changes and told us " Yes We Can!" Dunkin' wants to tell us the same: Yes You Kin'!
I've been wanting to try the Stinking Rose for years. For some reason it never got picked as the venue for any of my social gatherings. (I guess you can probably figure out the reason. It's not the nicest thing to have garlic breath when you're with a group of people and you still have to talk to them.) But still, everytime I drove by after eating at somewhere else in the area, I always told myself I had to try this place someday because I LOVE Garlic!
Market Street (breakfast crepe): a whole wheat crepe with andouille sausage, sautéed onions, peppers, tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and scrambled eggs. a bit spicy, but good! 光看ingredients 就知道很早餐, 吃起來恰如其分, 就是份早餐, 有點breakfast burrito 包在甜的 tortilla裡的感覺