目前分類:LA 好好吃 (7)
- Oct 23 Thu 2008 22:58
2009 米其林LA 餐廳指南Michelin Guide 出爐啦!
- Oct 16 Thu 2008 22:49
2008 AIA/LA’s Restaurant Design Awards (2008 美國建築師協會之 LA 餐廳設計獎)
- Oct 16 Thu 2008 00:55
(隨便說說) 我愛笑牛 (The Laughing Cow)
I must say "It's too good to be true!"
以前最愛去微風超市買笑牛(The Laughing Cow)的 cheese slices 夾土司
最近發現美國也有笑牛牌(但產品線比較少, 沒有起士片)之後,就愛上她們的 cheese wedges
厚實好吃令人滿足的cheese wedge一個才35卡!!
對於愛看nutrition facts 來決定喜惡的我,真是好到令人不敢相信的天堂美食~ (不過到了天堂的話其實應該也不會在乎熱量高不高了齁)
- Jun 12 Thu 2008 13:16
正確 pancake 吃法示範
不曉得為甚麼每次pancake 送上來都是三四片疊在一起
直到有次看到別桌結完帳留在桌上剩下的甜甜圈型pancake 才恍然大悟
維持三片疊在一起的狀態, 從中間挖一個洞, 慢慢開始一口一口往外挖
這樣所有的topping 就會往中間流下, 滲入妳的下一口pancake 中, 等最後精華都吃完慢慢變得沒味道的時候也就是妳撐到吃不下的時候了, 這就是甜甜圈型pancake的由來.
示範完畢, I hope you enjoy your next pancake! ^_^
- Sep 05 Wed 2007 01:02
The 1st Brunch Tasting
Sept 1, 2007
- Eggs Benedict
- Pecan Waffles with Freshly-Made Blackberries Sauce & Sour Cream
- Mimosa
- Coffee
Guests: Emily, Jia, Andy, Tom, Jessica, and Hank
- Mar 18 Sun 2007 22:28
Pinkberry (all over So Cal)
- Oct 24 Tue 2006 09:27
Think outside the bun!! -- Taco Bell
1 soft taco + 1 quesadilla + 1 medium diet pepsi + tax = $4.21
Food in JKP cafe is so bad and expensive(a yucky salad costs you $6.95). Cuz I wanna stay at school studying for my midterms and don't want to starve myself, I drove to Taco Bell to grab dinner.
Haha... I didn't know Taco Bell is so cheap and good.