目前分類:My Learning (6)

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I am working on a project that I have to find out the places with the longest wait and dig out the reasons why they are so popular.

Need your inputs & comments!
- Please tell me the most popular/crowded cafes you've ever been.
- Please comment on the reasons I list out if you've also been to these places. ^_^

I'll start with Toast.
1) the hip of the crowd (I think this is the single most important reason.)
2) the good looking waiters & waitresses
3) its location (this contributes to #1, but also the painful parking situation.)
4) its menu (it serves burgers, quesadillas, wraps, and soups, other than the regular brunch/breakfast menu in other places)
5) its hour (it opens until 10pm, much longer than most of the cafes.)

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The pursuit of happyness

I cried after seeing the movie. It wasn't a specific scene that made me cry.  It was the story itself.  This movie actually makes me feel guilty.  When I saw the main actor in the movie, Chris, fighted that hard for his dream job and for the chance to survive, I realized how lucky I am to have all these.  My parents figheted very hard for us so that I have the luxury to have a nice apartment to stay, a car to drive, and the expensive education.

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Michelle 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The best leaders know how to lead not only from the top, but also from
every possible position. They know that success is measured not only by
their own performance and advancement, but also on their ability to
guide and grow the people and the organizations around them.

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Success is the continuous journey towards the achievement of predetemined, worthwhile goals.

Before you spend the rest of your life chasing success, stop and take a few minutes to clearly decide
what you define as success. In the final analysis, only you can make that judgement call. And

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To be effective, self-insructions must be:

1. Cast in the present tense but vividly descriptive of the personality traits you wish to acquire
in the future. 用現在式的語態,生動描述你未來想展現的人格特質...感覺很像那種心靈成長課程用的招數

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